
Channel8(Chinese:8頻道)isaSingaporeanMandarin-languagefree-to-airterrestrialtelevisionchannelinSingapore,ownedbystatemediaconglomerate ...History·TelevisionSingapura/RTS·SBC8·Channel8,Thechannelintroducedanewlogoandon-airgraphicsinJune1994.Therel...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Channel 8 (Singaporean TV channel)

Channel 8 (Chinese: 8頻道) is a Singaporean Mandarin-language free-to-air terrestrial television channel in Singapore, owned by state media conglomerate ... History · Television Singapura/RTS · SBC 8 · Channel 8

Mediacorp Channel 8 | Logopedia

The channel introduced a new logo and on-air graphics in June 1994. The relaunch was meant to reinforce Channel 8 as the channel for the HDB homeland.

8world: 8视界

《8视界新闻网》提供最全面的中文新闻报道,聚焦新加坡及全球热点和社会话题,带你了解新加坡、东南亚、中港台和国际时事。点击浏览8world News,查阅今日新加坡及全球 ... 新加坡 Singapore · 即时 Realtime · Vibes · 东南亚 South-East Asia

Channel 8

The market leader for Chinese news and entertainment, Channel 8 is the most watched Chinese channel in Singapore, captivating its devoted audience with high ...

Channel 8

Watch your favourite Channel 8 TV shows and other Chinese dramas, comedy, movies, entertainment videos and more on meWATCH. Stream anytime on your mobile, ...


新加坡、东南亚、中港台和国际时事热闻,掌握最前线的新闻观点。 《8视界新闻》 ... stories 首播:每逢星期四10.30pm 8频道重播:星期六11.30am 星期一10.30am 8频道.

Mediacorp Drama

Mediacorp Drama. @MediacorpDrama. 745K subscribers•14K videos. More about this channel ... ... Sneak Peek of Emerald Hill《小娘惹之翡翠山》| 新传媒新加坡电视剧.

Mediacorp Channel 8 (@ch8sg) X

Mediacorp Channel 8. @ch8sg. Most Watched Chinese TV Channel in SG Official FB: http://facebook.com/ch8sg Official IG: http://instagram.com/ch8sg. Singapore bit ...


新傳媒8頻道(英語:MediaCorp Channel 8),舊稱「第八波道」,是新傳媒私人有限公司旗下電視部擁有的一個華語綜合娛樂頻道,亦是新加坡以華語廣播為主的首個電視頻道。


Channel8(Chinese:8頻道)isaSingaporeanMandarin-languagefree-to-airterrestrialtelevisionchannelinSingapore,ownedbystatemediaconglomerate ...History·TelevisionSingapura/RTS·SBC8·Channel8,Thechannelintroducedanewlogoandon-airgraphicsinJune1994.TherelaunchwasmeanttoreinforceChannel8asthechannelfortheHDBhomeland.,《8视界新闻网》提供最全面的中文新闻报道,聚焦新加坡及全球热点和社会话题,带你了解新加坡...